Original copies of all documents and certificates must be attached with an application form (will be supplied from college at the time of admission).
Photocopies must be duly attested by a Class-I gazetted officer.
• Money receipt of the payment of registration fees for admission.
• MBBS admission test admit card
• MBBS (Non-Gov) Applicant’s copy
• MBBS admission test result copy
• 4 (Four) copies of recent passport-size photographs with their names written on the back
• HSC or equivalent examinations registration card
• Academic transcript of SSC and HSC or equivalent examinations.
• Certificates of passing SSC and HSC or equivalent examinations and testimonials (Candidate who have passed "O" level and "A" level examination must produce equivalence certificate from the Director Medical Education & HMPD, Directorate General of Health Services, Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212).
• Nationality certificate / Birth registration certificate
• Certificate of financial solvency of the parent / guardian of the candidate in case of Meritorious & insolvent quota applicant’s
• In case of of Freedom Fighter quota applicant’s, must produce original certificate as evidence of the Freedom Fighter as per Government rules.
Lists of the candidates selected, the dates of Medical check-up and payments of admission fees etc. will be duly notified in the College Notice Board. All applicants provisionally selected for admission shall be medically examined by a medical board and must be declared fit before admission.