• USD 1,000/- for Registration fee of Chittagong Medical University and
USD 1,000/- for Government fee to be paid during admission. Hostel fee
for five years total USD 1,000/- (per student) for boys and girls
students (Beyond total course fee) .
• Study tour & Autopsy
class fees, Chittagong Medical University Examination & Exam. Centre
Fee, Registration fee (CMU & BMDC) and any other fees incurred will
have to be paid along with the local students in exact during the
course (Beyond total course fee) .
• If any foreign students
fails to pass the Final Professional MBBS Examination within the
stipulated 5 (five) years, he / she will have to pay USD 4,000/- for
every extra year (i.e. USD 2,000/- for 6 months).
• We have
separate hostel accommodation for foreign boys and girls students with
necessary modern facilities. Messing charges will be separate like other
students (Beyond Hostel Fee USD 1,000/-). Foreign students have to
carry out daily regular breakfast and lunch and dinner at their own
expenses and under their own supervision/management. College authorities
will provide full cooperation in this regard.
• Any foreign
student can complete 1 year (one year) rotatory internship training from
this institute without monthly honorarium. If any foreign student pay
the internship training fee BDT 1,80,000/- like other local students,
they will be given honorarium per month (During Internship training
period one year) in accordance with the rules. If the said BDT
1,80,000/- is not paid during admission, no monthly honorarium will be
given. Any other necessary fees incurred may have to be paid along with
the local students in exact.
• Willing and eligible students will
have to pay USD 5,000/- at least one month before the last date of the
closing admission. This money may be adjusted during admission, but will
be forfeited if the student fails to be admitted.
• Payment
should be made in the form of F.D.D (Foreign Demand Draft) or Pay order
in favour of "Chattagram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College" (Bank
Name : I.F.I.C Bank Limited, Agrabad Branch, Chattogram, Bangladesh,
Account No. 2030-782892-041) .