
  cmoshmedicalcollege@gmail.com     88-02-333312365

During their stay in the College all students are required to abide by all the existing rules and regulations of the College as well as those, which may be imposed from time to time by the College authority. Acts in contravention to these rules and regulations makes the students liable to disciplinary action which may range from warning, fine, Barring from appearing at any examination, temporary suspension of the studentship and permanent expulsion from the College. The students in Chattagram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College are forbidden to organize any type of unions, associations or societies except those set up by the college authority in order to enrich their physical, intellectual and ethical  development.

a. Students have to carry their Identity Card, which will be issued to them after admission on payment of prescribed fees and submission of a stamp-sized photograph.

b. Students are expected to attend classes in clean, well-dressed and white aprons.

c. Fashionable dress, cosmetics, untidy hair, slippers and pointed high heel shoes are discouraged in the College campus.

d. Rings and bangles are impediments for working in the practical classes. Should be avoided.

e. Smoking is strictly prohibited and smoking inside the campus is a punishable offence.

f. Environment should be kept clean, students will clean up their litters and dispose in the waste bins.

g. Sticking posters or writing anything on the walls, benches etc. of the College and in the hospital premises are prohibited. These are considered acts of indiscipline and the offenders are liable to punishment.

h. Unauthorized closing of any gate and door in the College or the Hospital building, class, office etc. at any time by the students, or creating obstacles in the normal academic, administrative and social functioning of the College and the Hospital are considered acts of gross indiscipline and students involved are liable to maximum disciplinary actions.

i. All types of demonstration, processions, carrying placards of protests and shouting slogans in the College and Hospital premises are prohibited and the students involved in these acts are liable to be expelled from the College.

j. Abstinence from the classes personally or end masse without prior permission of the College authority or without valid reasons are punishable by imposition of a daily fine of Tk.100/- for each student. Their guardians will be informed of such acts of their wards. Trying to induce other students to commit or join in such activities shall be considered as an offence of the degree and shall be similarly punishable.

k. The students will be divided in groups and each group will be under a guide teacher who will solve their problems in consultation with Head of the Department and the Principal. The students will inform their problems, grievances or inconveniences to their Guide Teacher.

l. The students are expected to maintain the highest standards in their academic and private lives. Loss of moral and spiritual values or addiction to alcohol or drugs is severely punishable.

m. At the time of admission the students and guardians will have to sign a bond separately that they / their wards will abide by all the rules and regulations of the College and that, in case of involvement in violation of such rules and regulations by the ward in question, will accept any disciplinary actions against them taken by the College authority.

n. In case of illness or other unavoidable reasons of non attendance, a written statement from the guardian along with documents like medical certificate should be presented to the concerned his / her Guide Teacher who in turn will submit it to the Principal for approval. Unauthorized absent from the classes without good reason will liable the student to pay a fine of Taka 50/- (Fifty) per class.

o. Full compensation for any loss or damage to the College and Hospital property shall be realized from the student who will be found responsible for the loss.

p. Political activities are not permitted in the College.

q. MBBS Course fee is not refundable. If any student wants transfer or termination of studentship from Chattagram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College, he/she has to pay all fees (monthly tuition, examinations & others fees) which are payable during the stipulated 5 (five) years.