
  cmoshmedicalcollege@gmail.com     88-02-333312365

Overview of the Specialty:

The specialty of Hematology developed as a sub- specialization of Physicians who are predominantly concerns with the care of patients with Hematological disorders. It is a branch of Internal Medicine concerned with prevention, investigations, therapy and research into disease involving the Hematological disorders. Care of patients with hematological disorders embraces a wide range of clinical activities and Hematologists need a broad view of the Hematological needs of individual patients and the communities in which they live including an understanding of any prevailing healthcare inequalities. This requires knowledge of not only the diagnostic and therapeutic modalities available, but also appreciation of the importance of epidemiology and potential for prevention of Hematological disease.

Although Hematology is generally stereotyped and highly practical skill based medical specialty, with invasive and Laboratory skills as high-profile components of the workload, competence in other areas of practice such as clinical, pharmacology, special hematological laboratory works and Bone Marrow Transplantation are equally important. There is also a mandate to train physicians to assume care of patients with common hematological disorders such as thalassaemia and other hemolytic anaemia, hemophilia and other congenital and acquired bleeding disorders, diagnosis of common haemato-oncological patients.