
  cmoshmedicalcollege@gmail.com     88-02-333312365

Department of Medicine

Year of establishment 2007

Objectives and Goals of establishment

-          To serve the community and nation at large

-          To establish and facilitate quality medical education among the undergraduate students and uplift postgraduate training

-          To conduct research for gaining upgraded knowledge and information

-          Proper management and care of the patient is a prime focus

-      To establish and upgrade a sound tertiary care hospital to serve the nation all the year round even during natural disasters, calamities and pandemics.

Important news and views of the department

-          Ongoing researches are on Dengue, Hepatitis, Chikungunia, Zica, Tuberculosis, Diarrhoea, pneumonia and other different NCDs

-          Post graduate training of FCPS medicine under BCPS accountable for total three years

-          Supervision and monitoring of dissertations till the final approval from BCPS

Usual services of the department

-          Continuous indoor  admission

-          Daily morning and evening ward rounds by consultant

-          Bedside undergraduate and postgraduate teaching

-          Daily morning meeting with all interns, trainees and faculties regarding management of critical and rare patients, death reviews, weekly topics and  cases discussions

-          Responding on calls from other departments and attending medical boards

-          Regular outpatient(OP) care by faculties in a fixed schedules on week days and general OP care by medical officers even on national and weekly holidays

Special services of the Department

-          Integrated medical education

-          Observations of different national and international health days

-          Organizing and attending health camps and health checkups for the community when asked for


Short term and long term development of the department

-          Larger ward with wider space with adequate facilities to ensure standard services to the patients

-          Frequent workshops, hands on training to enhance the skills of the doctors

-          Full term post graduate courses like residency or non residency