Medicine & Public Health
General objective:
To produce medical graduates to meet community
health needs and demands of the country.
At the end of the course, the students should be
able to:
❂ provide comprehensive health care to the people
❂ deliver primary health care and essential services
package (ESP)
❂ conduct epidemiological studies on common health
❂ organise health education sessions in the
community / OPD
❂ provide health care with efficient communication
skill to the community
❂ work as a member of the local health team
❂ co-ordinate with national and international health
organizations and different national health programmes
List of
Competencies to acquire:
1. Identify health needs and problems of the
community and prioritise them.
2. Take measures to meet health needs and problems
3. Provide comprehensive health care to the
4. Organize health education sessons at the level of
5. Collect and compile sociodemographic data from
the community
6. To manage mass casuality incident
7. Conduct community-based research work and write
distribution of Assessment of Community Medicine & Public Health in 3rd Professional Examination:
Total marks –
· Written = 100
20 marks MCQ (50%
Multiple True and False (MTF) + 50% Single Base answer (SBA),
70 marks (25%
Structred Eassy Question (SEQ) + 75% Short Ansewe Question (SAQ)
10 marks:
Formative assessment
· Structured oral examination= 100
· Practical (Conventional Practical / OSPE, RFST
including Survey Report,
Study Tour Report
and Report on Day Visit) =100