
  cmoshmedicalcollege@gmail.com     88-02-333312365

Urology Department was established in CMOSGH in 2009. It is included in MBBS course curriculum as an allied subject of Surgery.

Distribution of Teaching Learning Hours:



Clinical/Bedside Teaching

Indoor Clinical/Bedside Teaching & Ambulatory Care Teaching


5hrs in 3rd phase

2 weeks in 4th phase

2weeks in 4th phase (morning)


10hrs in 4th phase


2weeks in 4th phase (evening)

Total hours

15 hrs

24 hrs

48 hrs








Learning objectives:

Student should be able to-

1.       Diagnose common congenital Genitourinary anomalies & advice/refer to appropriate centers

2.       Diagnose & manage acute Genitourinary conditions like

  • Acute  & Chronic retention of urine
  • Acute Scrotum : Acute Epididymo-orchitis, Torsion testis
  • Paraphimosis
  • Phimosis
  • Acute Ureteric  & Renal colic
  • Urosepsis

3.       Evaluation of scrotal swelling

4.       Evaluate a case of hematuria ( Bladder tumour )

5.       Evaluation of Urological Sign Symptoms & order necessary  ,investigations & interpret the result of investigation & suggest principles of management

6.       Recognize a case of retention of urine, find out causes, perform aseptic  catheterization

7.       Introduce Suprapubic  Cystostomy

8.       Describe the steps of circumcision

Learning contents

Phase 3:

1.       Urinary symptoms & definitions

2.       Urological investigations & their interpretations

3.       Developmental Genitourinary anomalies

4.       Scrotal swelling: Hydrocele, Scrotal cellulitis, Epididymal Cyst, Testicular Tumor

5.       Acute Scrotal conditions: Epididymo-orchitis, Torsion tesis

Phase 4:

1.       Urolithiasis (causes, Diagnosis, Principles & modalities of treatment)

2.       Retention of urine (acute & chronic)

3.       Hydronephrosis

4.       UTI ( male/ female /pediatric)

5.       Urinary Tract injury: Renal Injury, Urethral injury ,Bladder injury ,UreterIc injury

6.       Renal Neoplasm: RCC, Wilm’s Tumor

7.       Testicular Tumor

8.       BPH, Carcinoma prostate, Prostatitis .

9.       Stricture urethra (Male/Female)

10.   Urological Emergency


1.       Male infertility

2.       Minimal invasive surgery in Urology

3.       Andrology


Students should be able to perform-

1.       Primary & delayed, primary & secondary wound closure

2.       Circumcision

3.       Vasectomy

4.       Drainage of superficial abscess

5.       Hydrocele operation

6.       Dressing of surgical wound

7.       Pre-operative assessment & preparation

8.       Assist in common major operations & take post-operative care