Department of Pathology
Course offered:
Pathology is an important discipline which help in
understanding and diagnosis of diseases.
1. The course offers 1st Term and Card completion examinations in the 3rd year and 1st & 2nd term examinations in the 4th year. The total duration of Phase III is 12 months including Third Professional MBBS Examination.
2. The
course is expected to start on the first day of January of each calendar
3. Time
for integrated teaching and formative/summative examinations including their
preparatory leave is common for all subjects of the phase.
4. Assessment:
a. The Third Professional MBBS examination is to be
started on the first working day of May or November of each year.
b. There will be in-course item examinations,
term/card completion examinations, and
3rd Professional MBBS examination for the students.
c. Certain percent of marks in the form of from
formative assessment (Term ending examination, class attendance, Integrated
Teaching and timely completion of item examinations) will be
added in the 3rdProfessional MBBS examination in the subject of Pathology.
Course objectives:
After completion of the pathology course,
undergraduate medical students will be able to understand the definition of
pathology, concepts of diseases and become familiar with the important
terminology which are used to study a disease like: epidemiology, aetiology,
pathogenesis and prognosis.It provides the link between basic biological
sciences and the practice of medicine.
• Explain
the basic mechanism of diseases: Aetiology, pathogenesis, and morphological
changes with emphasis on common diseases prevalent in Bangladesh.
• Co-relate
between clinical findings and pathological changes.
• Interpret
laboratory results and understand their implication.
• Demonstrate
knowledge about the use of Histopathology, FNAC, Cytological examination, Pap
smear, Frozen section, and Immuno-histochemistry.
• Develop
skills to perform
• TC,
DC, Eosinophil count, estimation of Hb% and ESR, Platelet count.
• Semen
• Routine
examination of Urine
• Microscopic
examination of body fluids
• Preparation
of preservative and fixative- 95% Alcohol, 10% Formalin.
• Writing
a requisition form for histo-pathological and cytological examination
Course Description:
course of pathology the students will be able-
a histopathological requisition form
of surgical specimens in Upazila health complexes and district hospitals and
preparation of fixative for surgical specimens (10% formalin).
of surgical specimens from Upazila health complexes and district hospitals to
nearby medical college and larger hospitals where histopathology service is
of Paps' smear/ FNAC from superficial mass lesions
of cyto-pathological smears
of cytopathology specimens from Upazila health complexes and district hospitals
to nearby medical college and larger hospitals where cytopathology service is
of surgical specimens for immunohistochemistry and immune fluorescence study.
a requisition form for immunohistochemistry or immunofluorescence examination.
of Hb%, ESR, TC & DC of WBC, total count of eosinophil, BT, and CT,
preparation of stain, and comment on PBF.
routine urinary examinations at health complexes.
and maintenance of Microscope.
semen analysis.
microscopic examination of body fluid-CSF.
of pathology reports and data.
- Writing advice for pathological investigations.
❖ Class room: Lecture Gallery & Lecture Halls for large group teaching (lectures) with latest version microsoft windows computer & multimedia.Tutorial classes for small group teaching are conducted with whiteboard and marker.
❖ Learning Resources:
1. Histopathology laboratory : A well-developed laboratory for practice traditional practical with sufficient space.
2. Library: All the national and international text books, reference books, study guides, Illustration & manuals are available.
3. Museum: Pathology museum have the ability to facilitate learning in a different and more meaningful way. The physical space of museum and the ability to handle real specimens for study purposes can more strongly encourage small group learning and collaboration.