
  cmoshmedicalcollege@gmail.com     88-02-333312365

Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology

Course Offered – Department of Forensic Medicine and toxicology is involved in the teaching of phase – II (3rd year) MBBS students. The curriculum is designed to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the subject with an aim to promote competency of the doctors to apply the knowledge to deal with medicolegal issues, to maintain the standard of ethical practice and to incorporate the medical practice with the judicial system.

This department offers 195 hours of teaching comprising of lectures, tutorials and practical sessions in addition to the observation of 10 postmortem medico-legal autopsy cases at Chittagong Medical College and visit to police station, Forensic lab and court.

Course Objective and goals

At the end of the course in Forensic Medicine, the undergraduate students will be able to:

a)    To produce competent, compassionate, reflective and dedicated health care professionals according to national goal. Practice medical and medico-legal works as per national goals and objectives.

b)     Examine medico-legal cases and prepare reports or certificates in accordance with the law of land.

c)     Perform medico-legal postmortem examination and interpret autopsy findings and results of relevant investigations to logically conclude the cause, manner and time since death.

d)  Practice medicine ethically with humanly etiquette, discharge duties promptly and execute legal responsibilities of the physician toward his patient, profession, society, state and humanity at large.

e)      Prevent and protect himself from medical and legal mishap.

f)     Identify and apply relevant legal provisions applicable to the medico-legal and medical practice.

g)  Collect, preserve and dispatch specimens in medico-legal case and other concerned materials to the appropriate Government agencies for necessary examination.

h)    Diagnose, apply principles of management and understand medico-legal implications of common poisons.

i)      Apply general principles of analytical, environmental, occupational and preventive aspects of toxicology.

j)     Explain legal provision related to medical and medico-legal practice

Course description – It is the science which deals with the interaction of medicine and law. The study of this subject requires basic understanding of all the branches of medical science with an insight to the mechanism of law and legal procedure. Forensic Medicine enables the judiciary system to come to a legal decision both in civil and criminal cases with the help of application of knowledge obtained from this subject. This subject also enables the medical person to practice medicine as per expectation of the society with maintain the standard medical ethics as a professional. This subject also makes aware a medical professional about the medicolegal issues during general or specialized practice.


Class rooms: Fully digitally equipped Lecture gallery and lecture halls for conducting lectures. Fully functional digital white board, computer and multimedia projector are in use for lecture classes. Tutorial classes are conducted with white board and marker and necessary equipment. Number of tutorial classes: 3.

Important news  and views of department:

a.  Arrangement of the departmental seminars.

b.  Publication of scientific articles in different medical journals.

      Usual Services of the department:

      a.  Teaching of undergraduate medical students of phase II.

              Teaching Methods: (i) Lecture classes (ii) Tutorial Classes (iii) Practical Classes

b.  Arranging, Participation and taking assessment on generic topic.

c.  Arranging, Participation and taking assessment on integrated teaching.

d.  Conducting 2nd professional examination of MBBS.

e.  Arranging and Participation in different CME.

f.  Research on relevant areas of interest related with forensic Medicine.

Special services of the department:

To conduct training of undergraduate medical students on Medicolegal autopsy at the Mortuary of Chittagong Medical College.

To conduct visit in the court, Thana, OCC, DNA & forensic laboratory.

Contacts:  forensicmedicine.cmosh@gmail.com