
  cmoshmedicalcollege@gmail.com     88-02-333312365



Brief description of the Department Course offered:

i. The course is offered in 3 terms (1st, 2nd & 3rd) and total duration of Phase I is 18 months including First professional MBBS examination. The course is expected to start on first day of January.

ii. First professional examination to be started on first working day of May and November.

iii. Time for integrated teaching, examination, and preparatory leave of formative and summative assessment is common for all subjects of the Phase I.

iv. Assessment:

     a. There will be in-course (item/card/ term) and end-course (professional) assessment for the students.

     b. Formative assessment will be done through results of term final examination and class attendance.

Course objectives: At the end of the course in Biochemistry the students should be able to -

❖  acquire the basic & integrated knowledge on major biomolecules, enzymes, hormones and nutrients with fundamental chemical process within body system upon which life depends.

❖  demonstrate skills in performing and interpreting Biochemistry laboratory tests and procedures with emphasis on those used in Bangladesh.

❖  demonstrate skills in using the modern biochemical appliances.

❖  equip themselves with requisite knowledge for higher studies and research.

❖  develop sound attitude towards the need for continuing self-directed learning.

Course description: In MBBS course of Biochemistry the students will-

1)     apply the learned knowledge of biochemistry in medicine.

2)     familiar with the biomolecules forming the structure of human body, their functions and role in health and diseases.

3)     explain the role of enzymes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

4)     identify the source of energy in human body and the process by which this energy is derived from food.

5)     explain metabolism of the body in fed and fasting state and consequences of prolonged starvation.

6)     explain the role of liver in metabolism and derangement of metabolism in impaired liver function.

Explain dyslipidemia and their clinical consequence

7)     describe the water and electrolyte content of human body and their functions. Identify the types, causes and consequences of dehydration and over hydration. Explain the causes the consequences of electrolyte imbalance.

8)     describe the sources of acids and bases in our body and the mechanism of their normal balance. Explain the causes and consequences of acidosis and alkalosis and the parameters to diagnose them.

9)     demonestrate their basic conception about nutrients, balanced diet. Describe the common nutritional disorders of our country and their causes and consequences.

10)  describe the components of balanced diet and explain the basic principles of making a diet chart. Attain the skill to assess nutritional disorders anthropometrically.

11)  explain the basis of genetics and molecular biology and the common genetic disorders and explain the modern technology in molecular biology in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

12)  diagnose diabetes mellitus, impairment of renal, liver and thyroid functions

13)  attain the skill to perform and interpret the common biochemical tests in the diagnosis ofdiseases. Attain the skill to perform common bedside biochemical tests.

Academic calendar:



❖  Class room: Lecture Gallery & Lecture Halls for conducting lectures with computer & multimedia. Tutorial classes are conducted with white board and marker.

❖  Laboratory: A well equipped laboratory with Glass ware, micropipette, different reagents, analytical balance, photoelectric colorimeter, Centrifuge machine, Water bath, Height and weight measuring instrument

❖  Library: All the reference books, study guide & manuals.

Contacts (e-mail address): 





Prof. Dr. Jesmin Abedin

Professor & Head

Dr. Md. Kamal Hossain

Associate Professor

Dr. Farhena Ahmed

Associate Professor

Dr. Nadia Hossain

Assistant Professor

Dr. Imtiaz-ur-Rahman


Dr. Mukul Mallik


Dr. Rimi Dutta


Dr. Sharmin Sultana


Dr. Fatema Marjahan


Dr. Md. Istekar Hossen
