
  cmoshmedicalcollege@gmail.com     88-02-333312365

Department of Physiology 

Course offered

Physiology is fundamental to medicine and on this course MBBS students will study functions in both health and disease.

The course is offered in 3 terms (1st, 2nd & 3rd) and total duration of Phase I is 18 months including First professional MBBS examination as per as the updated curriculum 2021 formulated for preclinical students of MBBS course. The course is expected to start on the first day of January.

Course objectives

Physiology is the science of normal functions and phenomena of living things. The department will provide teaching-learning experiences to achieve the following learning objectives:

 ·        Demonstrate basic knowledge on the normal functions of human body and apply it as a background for clinical subjects.

·         Explain normal reactions to environment and homeostatic mechanism.

·         Interpret normal function with a view to differentiate from abnormal function.

·         Demonstrate knowledge & skill for performing and interpreting physiological experiments.

·         Develop knowledge and skill to proceed to higher studies and research in Physiology in relation to need and disease profile of the country.

·         Develop sound attitude for continuing self-education to improve efficiency & skill in Physiology.

 Course description

Medical courses in physiology teach the essentials of the processes of life. The physiology courses are very clinically relevant because the knowledge of the processes underlying the normal physiological functions of all the major organ systems is crucial for understanding pathology, pharmacology, and for competent clinical practice. In fact, all of medicine is based on understanding physiological functions. In the process of completing these courses,

students acquire the following competencies:

★ To know about major functional systems, control systems and regulation of the body functions by homeostasis

★ The cell Physiology, membrane transport, basis of membrane potential, propagation of action potentials. Muscle excitation and contraction.

★ Describe the heart and functions of circulatory system as a dual pump and dual circulatory system with the knowledge of properties of cardiac muscle, cardiac cycle, hemodynamics, heart rate and blood pressure.

★ Explain respiratory processes with the knowledge of structures, mechanics & control of ventilation, blood flow and gas transport.

★ Important role of Kidney in the maintenance of homeostasis.

★ Describe endocrine physiology, the synthesis, secretion, functions, mechanism of action and disorders of the hormones.

★ Explain human reproductive function, fertilization, implantation, pregnancy, parturition, lactation, contraception and infertility.

★ Explain functions of CNS. The role of neurotransmitter, receptors, sensory perception, motor control & maintenance of homeostasis as well as higher cortical functions, autonomic nervous system and all the special senses.

★ The students will be able to equip themselves with adequate knowledge and develop  skill for performing physiology laboratory tests and interpreting these normal functions with a view to differentiate from abnormal conditions.

★ such as measurement of blood BP, pulse, ECG , heart sounds, breath sounds & bowel sound, Estimation of Hb, TC of red blood cell, total and differential count of WBC,  bleeding time & clotting time, blood grouping & cross matching, ESR , PCV ,

★ Pulmonary volumes & capacities, specific gravity of urine, reflexes (superficial & deep), recording of body temperature , Visual acuity and color vision, Hearing tests (Rinne test, Weber test).